Casper Auto Garage: “Super Auto Club”born in an abandoned old factory

DUTS Design has recently completed the renovation project of a "Super Garage". This is an abandoned old factory building in Nanhui district of Shanghai, with a construction area of about 900 square meters. After being renovated, it became a "super garage", including a car modification factory, a sports car museum, an ecological leisure and entertainment area, and a more private office and social club area.

The project is located in Nanhui District, a suburb of Shanghai. It is an old factory built in the last century. The owner is a JDM fan and an amateur racer. He likes automobile racing culture as well as car modification. When he saw this abandoned old factory building, he had the idea of creating a top-level "private garage" of his own. In a space around 900 square meters, designers need to consider installing a car tuning factory with professional equipment, a world-class supercar showroom, a member space that meets business and leisure needs, and the owner’s own office and Living space.Infinite imagination still starts from the core "Automobile". Using the longest "diagonal line" in the rectangular space of the old factory building, the designers of DUTS created a "sharp slash" like a racing car passing by, making the division of space echo the speed of a speeding car.

After the old factory was abandoned, there was still a huge honing car. When the designers of DUTS design saw this space, the first inspiration was "we can create a flying house that can be moved". Although this crazy idea was cancelled in the end due to safety hazards, but the design idea of "creating the experience of flying house" for the people in the space is still retained.

After continuous space deduction, based on the unique floor height conditions of the old factory building(9m), the designers of DUTS design used the structural reinforcement of the old factory building to reshape the spatial form. The designer smartly used the structural form of the overhead floor to create and realize a perfect floorplan with multiple functions and the natural transformation of different scenes.

The designer created an overhead, pure "floating house" in this industrial factory. The mezzanine area on the second floor is a more private life and social scene for the owner, while under the overhead area on the first floor, it is a more open dream paradise for people who love super cars.

Private owner
1000 sqm
Interior design
NO.138 Tao Qiao Road, Nanhui District, Shanghai, P.R. China
02 改造后的超级车库外立面
03 超级车库内包含汽车改装俱乐部,超跑展示厅,并融合了办公,社交,休闲等场景
04 设计师在这座极具工业感的厂房里,打造出一个架空,纯净的“悬浮光屋”
06 在同一空间中又形成有趣的对话
07 正立面入口即面对超大尺度的展示区
09 属于维修与改装汽配工作间的入口则位于侧立面,与前厅形成自然的区隔
011 超级车库中的专业汽车工位
012 二层架空的区域,是属于业主更私密的生活场景,带有“家”的属性
013 设计师在将原有厂房封闭格局的门窗打开,以大玻璃窗引入自然光线,打造出一片自然生态的半户外休憩区
014 这里也是社交,会客的场所
015 社交及会客区
016 私密空间与开放区域形成自然的区隔
017 以人文与生态的包容感重新定义当代“工业风”
019 木色与光影的对话。光影婆娑为冷峻的工业化空间中带来更开放,生态,包容的社交氛围
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